Impact Investing

The UN World Health Organization: Comprehensive Mental Health Plan for 2020


The United Nations (UN) World Health Organization (WHO) published its Comprehensive Mental Health Plan for 2020 to Address the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We’re making this plan available to those in our Cognixion network because it’s important to know that the work we all are doing towards creating a more sustainable, abundant and just world can benefit from knowing what kind of strategic and tactical plans are being adopted worldwide towards creating policies and regulations that are directly measurable in every community. These plans become guideposts for what’s ahead in the 5 to 10+ year horizon.

If you’d like to download the report, click the download button below.

If you want to say thanks for the report, feel free to share this page with your network and like the blog post.

Keep up the good work in transforming humanity and the world.

Andreas, CEO @Cognixion

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