What Did the Nonverbal Person Say to the Verbal Person? Answer: Anything they want!

What Did the Nonverbal Person Say to the Verbal Person?

Answer: Anything they want!

Cognixion's goal is to unlock speech for hundreds of millions of people worldwide affected by communication disabilities.

This week our Founder and CEO Andreas Forsland and Tim Jin, a Cognixion Brainiac Council Member, will be exploring the world of AI-powered communication.

Here at Cognixion we focus on accessible communication through the realm of AAC, AR, and Neurotechnology. In addition to software offering eye-tracking and facial recognition, future products explore the world of brain-computer interface and augmented reality. That’s where Tim Jin comes in. Tim was born with Cerebral Palsy and has used an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device since elementary school. A graduate from Cal State Long Beach in speech communication, he is also an active member on several boards of directors.

Have a question for Andreas or Tim?

Drop it in the comment section below and we will make sure they get it.